Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Heathrow Summer Ball Flyer

This coming Saturday is the 2007 Heathrow Airport Summer Ball, to be held at the Sherraton Skyline Hotel, Bath Road, Hillingdon. This is an annual event open to all airport staff and includes live bands, casino etc, all in order to raise money for the Dream Flight Charity who fly terminally ill children around the world to places such as Disney Land, Florida.

I'll be there on the night taking portrait photos of attendees looking their best, and printing the images on the night too. (thanks to a Mitsubushi Dye Sub Printer.)

I'll post a few of the photos from the night at some point this weekend, but for now, here's the flyer that I've designed in photoshop using photographs I've taken recently. I'll be handing them out with the portrait photos and to anyone that stands still long enough.


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