Desperate times call for desperate measures...
Being someone who prefers to photograph in the great outdoors can be somewhat tricky at times when you have to depend on the Great British Weather to play ball. Well, this past weekend I was down in deepest Surrey to photograph my brother in law, Bill and his family but Mr Rain & his close friend Mr High Wind made one heck of an appearance so that put pay to what we had planned. However, desperate times call for desperate measures so we re-scheduled! ... but I did take some photos.
These shots are of my nephew Ashley; a great little guy who is one mean 'Gamer'. Trust me you do not want to challenge him on X-Box, PlayStation and whatever other gaming consoles there are out there. I tell you, seeing his fingers in action on the controller would make Clarke Kent look like a slow coach!
These photos were taken in the family living room using just one Nikon SB800 Speedlight and my other favourite piece of kit, a 60" Reflective Umbrella. The black background was achieved by controlling the shutter speed on my D3; something I'll be covering in the upcoming InSight Workshops.
Enjoy :o)
Black backgrounds....this I would like to know how
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