The Debonaires - Album Launch Party
I'd been looking forward to Saturday for some time now as we were heading down to the famous Ace Cafe in London for the launch party of the Debonaires first album "You don't know me". Back in February of this year I met up with the guys as they were starting to put the album together and had hired me to take photos for the CD artwork. We immediately hit it off and I'll always remember the shoot for the laughs and for the treat of listening to them play; it was like my very own private concert ... nothing short of awesome!!!
At the party the guys played on an outdoor stage and blasted out sounds faultlessly to hundreds of people. Mick Colley, the bands drummer and a vocalist who originally contacted me, gave me my very own copy of their CD which I'm proud to say looks incredible, and makes me feel very proud to have contributed to.
You can find out more about The Deboanires by visiting their site, and to see some of the images from the shoot and behind the scenes, click here
Enjoy ;o)
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