Saturday, 13 October 2007

Mark's on his way...

A few months back I wrote an entry in this blog about a friend who was leaving us all here in the UK to start a new life with his family down in Australia. Well, after a few hiccups along the way, (which were nothing to do with Mark) he's finally on his way and leaves the UK on the 29th October.

This delay however, meant I had the opportunity to take some more photos of him ... one of which I worked on in photoshop till the early hours so he could get a print of it, as this is his last day with us. The attached image is what I finally came up with.

All the best to you Mark ... as I said before, you will be missed BIG TIME!!!!


Victor 22 October 2007 at 14:04  

....and thanks for your efforts too Glyn, the photo is excellent.Mark had it framed and it now resides ....It "in pride of place" on my lounge wall here in Belfast.

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